We foster a love of learning in all of our students from day one. We work with you, the parents, to ensure a fun, educational, and safe experience that fits the needs of your child. We respect individual needs and schedules, and we cater to each child in our care.
Our classrooms contain safe, age-appropriate, creativity-inspiring and fun toys and equipment, including a wide variety of art and building materials, costumes, water tables, and sand tables. Our nursery has calm and soothing sleep areas and a vibrant and fun play area. The Preschool and Pre-K classes have computers for supervised use of educational software.
A professional musician/singer visits every classroom each week to enhance our music curriculum. A scientist visits each week for hands-on experiments and discovery with our Pre-K children.
Our teachers are always actively involved in planning curriculum that remains fresh and current with specific interest for their classrooms and that is relevant to our community. Our monthly programs are rich in art, music, science, literature, culinary arts, and friendship lessons - all including the most important part - play!
Security is important to us, and we do not publish any information about our monthly schedules on the web site. Please contact us to discuss particular classroom schedules.
Our facilities are accessible by foot, car and public transportation and are within easy walking distance of several parks and playgrounds. The park used as our primary outdoor play area has spaces and equipment appropriate for the different needs of younger and older children.
Our locations in the heart of Brookline provide us with wonderful learning opportunities. We make regular trips to the library, and many of the neighboring businesses in the area are happy to host us and let the children see up close how they operate. Recent local visits include: post office, fire department, courthouse, bakery, chocolate shop, bank, and dog groomer. The children love being a part of the community!
LCSH Nursery (Our Little Sweet Peas)
Our nursery is designed for maximum safety, efficiency, security, and happiness for children from eight weeks to fifteen months. Our staff is nurturing, loving and skilled. Caring for infants as young as eight weeks is a tremendous honor and responsibility. We take that responsibility very seriously.
Our infant program is especially well thought out and reflects years of research, development and experience. Every detail has been meticulously planned from the design of the infant nursery, to the selection of equipment, toys, curriculum, and activities, to the screening and ongoing training of the infant caregivers. Parents can rely on our specially selected staff, with certified early childhood education, and chosen for their knowledge, dedication, warmth and affectionate personalities.
In a warm, loving, and nurturing environment, our infants are cared for, cuddled and rocked by our staff. Our staff has created a warm and stimulating environment, where our infants feel secure as they begin to explore their surroundings. Music plays a big part in our adorable nursery, and the infants enjoy sweet songs and stories, especially while snuggling on their teachers' laps and drinking their bottles.
Toys are sterilized daily and changing tables are sterilized after each and every diaper change. Our infants' diapers, wipes, and ointments/creams are provided by each child's parents These supplies are all labeled with your child's name and are never shared among children. We adhere to a strict hygienic diaper changing procedure.
We consider good hygiene for those around the infants to be essential. For the protection of each infant, we do not allow street shoes to be worn in the nursery, and every adult must sanitize hands before entering. Your baby has a personal crib with bedding that is cleaned every evening.
Nightly reports are ready for parents at pick up time. They reflect, in detail, everything that goes on during an infant's day at Little Corner SchoolHouse, from new and exciting developments to diaper changes and feedings. These reports, known as Baby Talk, are invaluable to busy parents.
LCSH Toddlers (Our Little Puddle Jumpers)
Investigating the world around you is what it is all about when you are a toddler! Your toddler's day will be filled with a plethora of activities, including music, movement, fitness, toys, cooking and interaction with equipment that encourage exploration and discovery. Soothing music and gentle backrubs during naptime provide just the right repose for sleeping.
Toddlers are striving for independence and have reached a child's first real milestone. They have grown into the mobile stage and are walking and exploring their fascinating environment. Their curiosity is endless. At LCSH, a toddler's natural inquisitiveness is encouraged and nurtured. Our staff strives to ensure a safe, secure, enjoyable, loving and learning environment.
Since toddlers learn through play and exploration, we give them the space, age appropriate materials, and stimulation they need to help quench their thirst for learning and discovery. The Toddler teachers prepare developmentally appropriate curriculum plans, incorporating goals and objectives that follow the Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines. The plans are reviewed by the Program Director and an overview is posted for the parents in each child's classroom.
A typical day in the Little Corner SchoolHouse toddler center abounds with stimulating, age appropriate activities and materials. Our own Little Learners™ curriculum is written for our Toddler staff by the Curriculum Department at our Corporate Headquarters and is distributed to each center monthly. Nightly reports are ready for parents at pick up time. They reflect, in detail, everything that goes on during the child's day at Little Corner SchoolHouse. These reports, known as Toddler Times, are invaluable to busy parents.
LCSH Pre-School (Our Little Explorers)
The Pre-School teachers prepare developmentally appropriate Curriculum Plans, incorporating goals and objectives that follow the Massachusetts Early Learning Guidelines. Our pre-school children are ready to conquer the world. Classrooms are overflowing with challenging toys and equipment that offer a stimulating, and colorful environment.
Little Corner SchoolHouse Pre-School provides a setting where children can be independent and exercise a variety of personal, social and emotional skills. We also encourage problem solving, cognitive as well as symbolic thinking, math concepts and logistics. Blocks and other mathematical manipulative materials promote planning, problem solving, concepts of physics and creative thinking.
Art projects promote creativity and self-expression, while music instructs our pre-schoolers in learning musical concepts through songs, games, hymns, rhythm, instrument and group ensembles. Dance and movement promote physical fitness and coordination.
Literacy, language arts, and self-expression are encouraged at this stage and age. Our goal at Little Corner SchoolHouse is to promote your child's love of learning. Literacy begins at birth and we encourage early learning through our literacy activities in the nursery.
Our pre-school children have opportunities to help make sense of their experiences and develop an understanding of who they are while learning to care about others.
LCSH Pre-Kindergarten (Our Little Scholars)
Our Little Corner SchoolHouse (LCSH) Pre-Kindergarten classroom is an exciting place for our students as they begin to take an active role in their own education! The Pre-K classroom reflects our goal to promote and extend the love of learning that begins in our nursery.
Our wonderful, caring, and experienced teachers guide the students through their daily curriculum and special activities. We help our children relate to others in an understanding and respectful manner. While learning is paramount, fun and games do not take a back seat, with activities that include swimming, weekly music sessions, weekly science sessions, cooking experiences, a theatre program, computer activities, yoga, and a literacy program.
In our Pre-K environment, we encourage open-ended exploration, discovery, and investigation. The curriculum is designed to enhance each child's self-esteem. It gives the children an opportunity for optimum growth in academics, socialization, physical fitness, and emotional wellbeing.
Pre-Kindergarteners learn and master many concepts:
- Write first and last name using the proper capitalization, spacing and letter formation
- Become familiar with their home address and how to write it
- Know parent or parents' first and last names
- Recognize and print the alphabet
- Develop strong phonics and decoding skills
- Build sight vocabulary and develop comprehension skills
- Enhance each child's love of reading, libraries and literature
- Recognize and write numbers
- Experience computers with specially selected software
- Develop visual discrimination
- Learn health information and nutrition
- Write journals
- Understand the purpose of the calendar
- Identify our planet, and the country, state, and city in which they live
- Utilize objects of scientific exploration
- Explore the world of art, music, physical fitness, science, and dance
Our care and education of your children is important to us, and we consider you, the parents, our partners in developing and ensuring the best experience for your child at LCSH. We send an email to parents every month to communicate news, announcements, and information about special activities and field trips that are planned for the month. You are always welcome to communicate with us any news, new information and/or concerns about your child.
We welcome your child to a year of smiles and laughter, friendships, adventures, and an ever-growing love of learning in our wonderful Pre-Kindergarten program at Little Corner SchoolHouse!